Enterprise and Business Committee


Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 3 - Senedd




Meeting date:

Wednesday, 20 June 2012




Meeting time:

09:31 - 12:24




This meeting can be viewed on Senedd TV at:



Concise Minutes:




Assembly Members:


Nick Ramsay (Chair)

Byron Davies

Keith Davies

Alun Ffred Jones

Aled Roberts (In place of Eluned Parrott)

David Rees

Ken Skates

Dafydd Elis-Thomas

Joyce Watson








Professor John Harries, Chief Scientific Adviser

Tracey Burke, Welsh Government

Andrew Slade, Welsh Government

Alastair Davies, Welsh Government

Pierre Godin, DG Regional Policy

Aled Thomas, Knowledge Innovation Communities

Damien Perisse, Conference of Peripheral and Maritime Regions – EU

Dr. Adrian Healy, Cardiff University






Committee Staff:


Siân Phipps (Clerk)

Kayleigh Driscoll (Deputy Clerk)

Anne Thomas (Researcher)





1.  Introductions, apologies and substitutions

1.1 The Chair welcomed everyone to the Committee. Apologies were received from Eluned Parrot AM, who was substituted by Aled Roberts AM and from Julie James AM, there were no substitution.




2.  Inquiry into Horizon 2020 - Evidence session

2.1 The Chair welcomed Professor John Harries - Chief Scientific Adviser, Tracey Burke - Director Strategy and Operations (BETS), Welsh Government, Andrew Slade, Director, EU Policy and Funding (WEFO), Welsh Government and Alastair Davies, Head of Innovation Policy, Welsh Government. Members questioned the witnesses on the Inquiry into Horizon 2020.



3.  Inquiry into Horizon 2020 - Evidence session

3.1 The Chair welcomed Pierre Godin - DG Regional Policy, Aled Thomas - Director of Climate Knowledge Innovation Communities and Damien Perisse - Director, Conference of Peripheral and Maritime Regions – EU. Members questioned the witnesses on the Inquiry into Horizon 2020 via video conference from Brussels.



4.  Inquiry into Horizon 2020 - Evidence session

4.1  The Chair welcomed Dr. Adrian Healy - Research Associate from Cardiff University, Members questioned the witness on the Inquiry into Horizon 2020.






View the meeting transcript.
